Wednesday, 03 July 2024


20 things you may not know about the University of Szeged

There are several news to read and hear in the university press, but we gathered 20 things now that you can only know if you are a citizen of the university.

1. The University of Szeged is the only higher education institution in Hungary, which had a Nobel laureate rector. Albert Szent-Györgyi, the inventor of the vitamin C received the Nobel prize in 1937.

2. Such great literary persons of our homeland as Attila József and Miklós Radnóti also studied at the University of Szeged and László Szilasi Mészöly laureate writer is a present professor at the University.

3. Angela Merkel is the newest honorary doctor of the University of Szeged.

4. There are several members of the public administration who were once the professors of the Faculty of Law as today's ministers and constitutional judges.

5. The Faculty of Medicine has a world standard Medical Skills Centre, there is a unique equipment in the simulation skills lab, where the medical students can practice by modelling emergency situations.

6. In the New Media Culture Creative Workhouse of the Faculty of Arts, where the communication professionals of the future can work with state of art programmes and Apple iMac computers.

7. The Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Health Science and Social Studies launched the new dental hygenist training together, to educate professionals who prevent the oral diseases.

8. The 'Tep' group of the Faculty of Economics gained global success on the Microsoft Imagine Cup innovation competition. The group created a mobile application, which unifies the fitness programmes and those looking after virtual animals.

9. Some of the excellent tutors of the Faculty of Pharmacy lead their own research blogs.

10. There is an opportunity for the students of the Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty to have exhibitions from their photos and own works.


11. You can study in a dual forma t the Faculty of Engineering, so next to the theoretical courses you can gain practical experience as well. You can get to know how to make a chocolate or dig yourself into the mysteries of 3D press.

12. At the Faculty of Agriculture students can take part in a sheperd training.

13. You can experience at the Faculty of Science and Informatics how dangerous the laser is.

14. In the Computer Centre of the University one of the supercomputers of Hungary can be found.

15. You can learn how to play the piano on the best piano of Szeged at the Faculty of Music.

16. You can pair any kind of subjects at the Teacher Training Centre if you want to be a teacher.

17. You can choose to try sailing or dragon navigation as a PE lesson.

18. The University ensures a free monthly ticket to the students on a social basis.

19. The talented students are supported by such renowned persons as Péter Lékó international chess master.

20. The Foreign Language Institut and the Coaching Centre of the University have launched special language courses for dyslexic students.




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