6720 Szeged, Zrínyi str. 9.
Dean's Office, Faculty of Pharmacy:
Address: 9. Zrínyi utca, H-6720, Szeged, Hungary
(entrance fom the Eötvös street 6)
Dr. Anita Czobor
Head of Dean's Office
Tel: +36 62 545022
Registrar's Office
Address: 9. Zrínyi utca, H-6720, Szeged, Hungary
(entrance fom the Eötvös street 6)
Opening hours: Monday, Thuesday and Thursday: 9:30-12:30; Friray: 9:30-12:00
Katalin Tumó
admission and registrar officer
Tel.: + 36 62 342341
Ákos Varga
admission and registrar officer
Tel.: + 36 62 342340