The 26th Spring Wind Conference for the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Szeged ended successfully.
Every year, the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) organizes this large-scale, multidisciplinary conference in cooperation with a university. May 5-7, 2023, the event was jointly organized by the DOSZ and the PhD Student Self-Government of the University of Miskolc and took place on the campus of the University of Miskolc.
At the conference, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs was represented by dr. Cseh Martin, dr. Balázs Kondoros, dr. Krisztián Pamlényi, dr. Luca Uhljar, and dr. Patrícia Varga.
Seven students of the Pharmacology, Biopharmacy, and Clinical Pharmacy doctoral programme, Abdallah Hiba Faroug Muddather, Ali Hazmat, Sándor Bartha, dr. Kemény Kata Kira, Njangiru Isaac Kinyua, Osman Alaa A. M. and dr. Péter Szatmári participated at the konference.
From the Pharmaceutical Analysis doctoral program, dr. Vencel Petrovicz represented his institute.
Our students closed the conference with the following results:
Section of Medicine and Health Sciences
Interdisciplinary subsection
dr. Péter Szatmári: II. place
dr. Krisztián Pamlényi: III. place
Molecular Sciences Subsection
Muddather Error Faroug: II. place
dr. Wenceslas Petrovicz: III. place
Poster IV. section
dr. Cseh Martin: 1st place
Congratulations all the awardees and wish them further successful work!
Krisztián Pamlényi, Martin Cseh, Muddather Hiba Faroug,
Vencel Petrovicz, Péter Szatmári