4th International Symposium of Young Researchers on Medicinal Plants and Natural Product Research

Hybrid event (in-person and virtual meeting)

Date: 22–24 May 2023

Online platform (use the same link and login details for both days):

Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89528815637?pwd=dHk1ODcyaXFIcWpRK0xnZXk1QU9tQT09 (Passcode: 227572)


  • Institute of Pharmacognosy, University of Szeged
  • Pharmacognosy Section of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Szeged

Venue: Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Szeged (Hungary, Szeged, Somogyi B. u. 7) (Google Link)

Participants: PhD students and researchers from nine universities of the EUGLOH Alliance

Final program (click to download)

Abstract book (click to donwload)

Registration: Modulo registration form (click here)

  • Phytochemistry;
  • Bioorganic chemistry;
  • Phytochemical analysis;
  • Molecular biology;
  • Metabolomics;
  • Bioactivity of natural products;
  • Phytotherapy;
  • Cultivation of medicinal plants.
Preliminary program:
  • plenary lectures (invited speakers)
  • short lectures (PhD students from universities of EUGLOH Alliance)
    • max. 15 minutes
    • download abstract template
    • abstract should be saved as lastname.docx (e.g., smith.docx) and emailed to kiss.tivadar@szte.hu not later than 15 April 2023.

Universtiy of Szeged, Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmacognosy
Address: H-6720 Szeged, Eötvös u. 6., Hungary
Email: redei.dora.judit@szte.hu


